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On WordPress 6.4 - Responsive Theme - Yes, lots of stuff needs updating around here, especially the look and feel....
An independent website featuring photos, videos and other musings of Alan S. Dalinka focused on (former) Hometown Chicago and travel around the World.

Most recent Dalinka.com posts
Posts focused on Chicago and the rest of the World
Most recent ASDHollywood posts
Posts focused on Disney and/or "Hollywood"
ASD's Featured Travels and Old Hometown Chicago

ASD's YouTube Channel: ASDTubeU
The latest uploads playlist
This is Dalinka.com (and Dalinka.net, Dalinka.org, & Dalinka.us)
The Webmaster is ASD: Alan S. Dalinka. A bit about ASD is here.
On December 30, 1995, a personal “home page” was launched that eventually became this page. By August 24, 1996, that “home page” outgrew the free space of that early webpage provider, so it was moved to a more generous free provider, Tripod.com where to remained until January 1, 2002. Next, it migrated to the host of ASD’s other home page, The ASDHollywood Page, GeoCities/Yahoo! By September 10, 2007, all of ASD’s pages moved to the current host, 1and1.com.
While the pages of ASDHollywood.com are the place to find photos, videos and and other musings from ASD’s visits to Disney Parks & Resorts and other Disney places, the pages of Dalinka.com are devoted to ASD’s travels to other destinations and his original hometown, Chicago. You can read about the technology and development of the site, as well as relevant disclosures and disclaimers here.
As the site transitions to WordPress, I consider it to be in "beta" and will only remove that label once I am satisfied that everything is working. If you find something on the site that isn't working right, like dead links or images that won't load, please let me know by email.
ASDHollywood.com features ASD's visits to Disney Parks

ASD's Recent PhotoBlog Posts
From anywhere in the World
ASD's Articles & Essays
Mostly Disney-related subject matter

Page created: December 30, 1995
Last Updated on December 26, 2023